Essa Secondary School & Central Municipal Library
$23 million

135,000 sq. ft.

Project Size


This project involved the new construction of a three-storey secondary school, primary municipal library and OPP satellite office for the Essa region of Ontario.  The buildings were located adjacent to the existing Essa Community Centre.

Extensive site clearing and earthwork was undertaken by the owner prior to the contract award which provided a substantial working mat for the building envelope.  The school location was on a highly volatile seismic zone which necessitated the installation of wide footings, thick foundation walls and heavily reinforced masonry walls.

The school super structure is comprised of structural steel, open web steel joist, steel deck and concrete floors.  Exterior cladding elements include three-storey curtain walls, architectural brick and stone, insulated metal panel systems and composite aluminum panels.  The roofing system includes skylights, a four-ply, mod-bit roofing system with high insulation value and reflective stone used as a ballast.  Interior materials include ceramic tile, sheet flooring, a wood gym floor, sports flooring for the weight rooms, sports practice rooms and theatres.

The central entranceway features a soaring atrium and light-filled cafeteria. Classrooms, teaching labs, athletic facilities, offices and shared amenity spaces are also included.

The facility is celebrated for its sustainability features which include geothermal energy, xeriscaping, a rainwater cistern, high performance glass, heat recovery system, carbon dioxide control, photocell lighting control, solar domestic hot water, photovoltaic solar and solar hot water systems.
